

Plans (5)

Plan Amount Frequency Channel(s)
Load and performance testing

This will cover the monthly server hosting costs to run load tests, performance tests, and CI for core database engine.

5000 USD Monthly
Developer compensation

This will cover the cost of seven senior engineers working part-time on building DiceDB.

70000 USD Monthly
Community swags, events and hackathons

This will cover the cost of 160+ OSS contributors by giving them DiceDB swags and keeping their morale high. Some fraction of the funds will also be used to run hackathons and some community events like Database Paper Reading Sessions. We aim to build a thriving community around DiceDB and databases in India.

20000 USD Monthly
Hosting Playground

This will cover the monthly server hosting costs to run DiceDB and host Playground making it easier for people to try out DiceDB.

4000 USD Monthly
Goodwill plan

Pay anything you wish to show your goodwill for the project.

1000 USD One-Time

Payment channels (1)

Channel Type Address
Other Other

Yet to setup