Evangelos Paterakis


Plans (3)

Plan Amount Frequency Channel(s)
Hosting and Domains

Cover hosting and domain costs for current and future projects.

0 EUR Monthly
Hardware for Porting, Testing and CI

Porting, testing and running CI tasks on a single mid-range laptop becomes extremely difficult, tedious or impossible. This plan would allow software like Tuba to be ported to and tested on operating systems like macOS, architectures like RISC-V and mobile Linux devices. Supporting these platforms and devices benefits the whole stack as we end up discovering and fixing issues on them, but also allows us to help others by documenting the process and writing tooling to make it easier.

6000 EUR One-Time
Support my Dreams

Being an open source volunteer is a lot of work, especially when you have to find between education, work and life.

0 EUR One-Time

Payment channels (3)

Channel Type Address
Github-Sponsors Payment-Provider

Ko-Fi Payment-Provider

Paypal Payment-Provider
