Build Up


Plans (6)

Plan Amount Frequency Channel(s)
Platform Fixed Costs

Supports ongoing costs for server hosting, database management, and infrastructure maintenance.

10000 USD Yearly
Full-Time Developer Sponsorship

Sponsor a full-time developer to contribute to the Phoenix open-source platform, ensuring continuous feature improvement, updates, and bug fixing.

10000 USD Monthly
Part-Time Developer Support

Fund part-time developer contributions to focus on specific features and enhancements.

3500 USD Monthly
Scraping Credits Sponsorship

Sponsor the (estimated) cost of data scraping for 10 peacebuilding organisations to conduct a social media listening project over one year.

10000 USD One-Time
Engagement Fund

Support trainings, manuals and onboarding activities for peacebuilders and mediators using the Phoenix platform.

3500 USD Monthly
Open Donation

For contributors who wish to donate any amount as a gesture of support towards our mission.

0 USD One-Time

Payment channels (2)

Channel Type Address
Paypal-Donation Payment-Provider

Support Phoenix via Paypal.

Direct-Bank Bank

For substantive donations, contact us for direct bank transfer to a US bank.

[email protected]