Tusd is a feature-rich server for resumable uploads written in Go.
Tus is an open protocol for resumable file uploads over HTTP. It enables reliable uploads that can resume after network interruptions.
Tusdotnet is a feature-rich server for resumable uploads written in .NET
Client implementation of the tus resumable upload protocol for iOS and macOS.
Client implementation of the tus resumable upload protocol for Python.
Client implementation of the tus resumable upload protocol for Android.
Client implementation of the tus resumable upload protocol for Java.
Client implementation of the tus resumable upload protocol for JavaScript (Node.js and browsers).
Tus-node-server is a feature-rich server for resumable uploads written in Node.js.
Vessel is a container format for information-centric networking (ICN) resources, suitable also for streaming applications. It provides optional confidentiality via encryption, and permits multiple ...
bewCloud is a modern and simpler alternative to Nextcloud and ownCloud.